December SMS UpdateWednesday, 2021-Dec-8

The graphs below depict over 1,000,000 channel updates since October from Rogers, Telus and Bell. The huge swings in channel, spectrum and site counts represent large, systemic errors that must be corrected — which we do every month — giving Canada Cellular Services subscribers the most accurate account of Canada's wireless landscape.

Signal booster or IoT device installers are advised to ignore about half of the Telus / Bell cellular network, for they are DAS and metrocell sites that provide in-building or neighborhood coverage only. We have tools to sort this all out. Contact us for details.

Channel Counts
Rogers, Telus, Bell channel count graph for past 18 months
Channel Counts
Freedom, Videotron, SaskTel, Eastlink channel count graph for past 18 months
Occupied Spectrum (GHz)
Rogers, Telus, Bell occupied spectrum graph for past 18 months
Occupied Spectrum (GHz)
Freedom, Videotron, SaskTel, Eastlink occupied spectrum graph for past 18 months
Site Counts
Rogers, Telus, Bell site count graph for past 18 months
Site Counts
Freedom, Videotron, SaskTel, Eastlink site count graph for past 18 months

5G in Australia — Telstra 4,439, Optus 1,772 SitesTuesday, 2021-Oct-26

This table shows the growth of the Telstra 5G network across Australia, starting in May 2019:

 # Telstra 5G Sites
Location May-19Aug-19Nov-19Feb-20Mar-20Nov-20Mar-21May-21Oct-21
Adelaide 46 47 67 118 118 335 340 340 342
Brisbane 63 115 131 172 181 525 535 538 678
Canberra 38 38 45 48 48 110 122 123 124
Gold Coast54 62 72 83 83 120 125 127 84
Hobart 16 21 36 36 36 44 47 47 48
Launceston 7 9 11 11 11 47 47 47 47
Melbourne 52 52 370 435 481 999 1,026 1,035 1,049
Perth 43 49 85 106 106 326 348 352 354
Sydney 64 75 238 300 347 1,085 1,078 1,153 1,167
Toowoomba 25 25 26 26 26 31 31 30 33
Other   35 133 140 142 569 624 599 513
TOTAL 408 528 1,214 1,475 1,579 4,191 4,323 4,391 4,439

TPG site counts have also increases significantly, now totalling 1,703 across major urban centers from Perth to Brisbane.

You can see Telstra or Optus 5G sites, Telstra IoT, TPG and more at Australia Cellular Services.

October SMS Update — 639,440 recordsMonday, 2021-Oct-18

September and October saw huge numbers of cellular network updates. In total, ISED received 639,440 new and updated SMS records, primarily from Telus and Bell, which played catch-up, as they had not previously filed any updates through 2021.

But, you win some and lose some, as the graphs below show. The green line in the top-left graph tracks Telus channel counts. September saw an increase of 8,000 to reach 174,000, before plummeting by 68,000 this month.

This loss of 68,000 is an error and something we fix through our quality assurance process.

SMS snapshots should never be used as-is. We monitor SMS snapshots and supplement with proprietary and 3rd party data giving Canada Cellular Services the most accurate representation available of Canada's wireless landscape.

Also, if you need to install a mobile signal booster or IoT device, remember that roughly half of the Telus/Bell cellular network are DAS and metrocell sites, whose service areas are probably too small to meet your needs. Let us help you sort this out.

Channel Counts
Rogers, Telus, Bell channel count graph for past 18 months
Channel Counts
Freedom, Videotron, SaskTel, Eastlink channel count graph for past 18 months
Occupied Spectrum (GHz)
Rogers, Telus, Bell occupied spectrum graph for past 18 months
Occupied Spectrum (GHz)
Freedom, Videotron, SaskTel, Eastlink occupied spectrum graph for past 18 months
Site Counts
Rogers, Telus, Bell site count graph for past 18 months
Site Counts
Freedom, Videotron, SaskTel, Eastlink site count graph for past 18 months

Fresnel ColorsThursday, 2021-Jun-10

Green Fresnel tube with Red Line-of-sight
Green Fresnel zone with red line of sight
Want to change the color of the Fresnel zone or Line-of-sight, as created by the Find Best terrain analysis tool?

To start, click the blue Account button at the top of the map.

At the bottom of the Account & Subscription Info window, click the color patches to adjust the colors of the Fresnel tube and Line-of-sight (LoS).

Find Best terrain analysis will now create Fresnel zones with the colors you chose.
Fresnel color picker

Export Site Channels to Excel / CSVTuesday, 2021-Jun-1

The left photo shows channels from a co-lo site. To its right are these same channels viewed in Excel.
Site Channels
List of site channels for a cell site
Same Channels (exported to Excel)
List of site channels, exported as a CSV file and viewed in Excel

Want to analyze site channels in Excel or share their details with an associate?

To start, click a site's icon on the map, then click the Export tab. At the bottom, click EXPORT site's channels to a CSV file.

A CSV file will download to your computer. Open this file in Excel to see details for all channels for that site. Or, drop this file in an email, to share these details with an associate. (Australia Cellular Services also exports links to ACMA Registration / Assignment Details such as horizontal radiated power patterns.)
Export CSV dialog box showing link to click to download channels in CSV format

5G in Australia — Telstra 4,391, Optus 1,495 SitesMonday, 2021-May-31

This table shows the growth of the Telstra 5G network across Australia, starting in May 2019:

 # Telstra 5G Sites
Adelaide46 47 57 60 67 73 73118118335340340
Canberra38 38 41 44 45 48 48 48 48110122123
Gold Coast54 62 66 72 72 71 71 83 83120125127
Hobart16 21 34 35 36 36 36 36 36444747
Launceston 7 9 10 10 11 11 11 11 11474747
Melbourne52 52 952003703874094354819991,0261,035
Perth43 49 67 70 85 92 92106106326348352
Sydney64 75 851382382562703003471,0851,0781,153
Toowoomba 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26313130
Other - 35 73112133139139140142569624599

You can see Telstra or Optus 5G sites, Telstra IoT and more at Australia Cellular Services.

Is Canada Behind on 5G?Monday, 2021-Feb-8

Australia and Canada have many similarities. One big difference is 5G, with Telstra & Optus, Australia's largest carriers, operating 4X more 5G sites than Canada, on a more capacious 3,500MHz band.

But, does this put Canada at a disadvantage? Yes and no — but not how you might think. As Huwaei's chairman said, there is currently no material difference between 4G and 5G technology. Industry and government excitement around 5G is not a sign of its utility — there are few business cases for 5G that cannot be served by an optimized 4G network, which Canada already has.

Canada is behind — not in technology — but in plan value. Australia's plans (see right) offer much higher caps at lower prices. Canada's wireless networks are like a tuned Ferrari — with a 1 liter fuel tank.

High Capacity Data + Voice Plans
Carrier CAD Capacity$ / GB
Optus $64 500 GB $0.13
Telstra $64 180 GB $0.36
Rogers $175100 GB $1.75
Telus $10050 GB $2.00
Bell $12550 GB $2.50
Videotron$75 32 GB $2.34
Freedom $90 30 GB $3.00
SaskTel $12035 GB $3.43

Rogers 5G @ 600MHzThursday, 2021-Feb-4

Rogers operates 1,062 5G sites in the 600MHz band, and 575 5G sites in the 2500MHz band. This brings Rogers' total to 1,447 5G sites. (Some 5G sites use both 600 and 2500MHz bands.)

Rogers invested heavily in the 600MHz auction receiving licenses that can serve 35 of Canada's 38 million population. Freedom, Telus and Videotron invested less, receiving licenses that can serve 22, 20 and 10 million, respectively.

 # Rogers 5G Sites
British Columbia304150
New Brunswick18-

The 600MHz band has seven paired 5Mhz blocks, labeled A - G. (See band plan below, which is identical to that used by the FCC). Rogers uses blocks A through D allocated as follows:

Blocks (DownlinkBandwidth#
and Uplink)(MHz)Channels
A, B102,282
A, B, C, D20880

Band plan for 600Mhz
Band plan for 600MHz cellular service

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